Why is it so important to clear ancestral karma? Surely the woundings and struggles of our forefathers would not impact us in this lifetime? Well, as we travel through different lifetimes, our souls collect memories, woundings, healings and programmings.
We carry the woundings, trials, tribulations and victories of our ancestors in our Base Chakra. We carry the social conditioning in our Sacral Chakra, the disempowerment or vicitmisation in our Solar Plexus, woundings from connections and relationships in our Heart Chakra and so the list goes on.
If you feel their is a cycle or programme that keeps repeating in your space that you can identity in your parent's or grandparent's lives as well - this cutting helps rid the ancestral energy from your system. This is an incredibly deep cleansing process that will remove the root of the programming and ancestral woundings that you are carrying!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of the work - I ONLY conduct these sessions via DISTANCE.
1 Cutting:
R1111.00 - SA
$110.00 - USA
£95.00 - UK
€100.00 - Europe
Code: KARMA1
Duration: The times vary vastly depending on what is required for each clearing.
I so look forward to connecting with you!
In light and love always,
Mara xxx
To book your session or to find out more about the sessions, complete the form below and include the relevant code: