chakra art journaling

The Chakra Art Journal class was conceived from a desire not only to educate about the importance of our Chakras and how the system affects us emotionally, physically, mentally and even spiritually but to also be a creative avenue for the healing of the areas that need to be addressed.

The class is designed in such a way that the participants meet once a month over a 7 month period. We cover 1 Chakra a month with the class consisting of both a theoretical and creative element with the gap between classes allowing for the participants time to process that which has been uncovered during the class!


Base Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey we take an in depth look at our Base Chakra or Muladhara. We will explore our ideas of safety and security as well as looking at our grounding. As it is the first class of the series, we will start assembling our journals and start assembling the information required to begin the journey.

Your journal is included in the first class as well as a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



Sacral Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey we take an in depth look at our Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana. This Chakra allows us to explore our ideas of desire, pleasure and dependency issues as well as looking at our creativity!

Your journal is included in the first class.

All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



Solar Plexus Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey we take an in depth look at our Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura. Our Solar Plexus is our POWER center, we get to explore this and in doing so, we will explore our ideas of self-esteem, courage and self-respect as well as looking at our motivation.

Your journal is included in the first class.

All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



Heart Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey, we take an in depth look at our Heart Chakra or Anahata. We will explore our ideas of love, acceptance, forgiveness and even more importantly, balance. Our Heart Chakra is in the middle of our Chakra system and thus plays many fundamental roles. It connects the lower Chakras with the higher ones, it is responsible the flow of energy throughout our Chakra system and as such is our Healing center.

Your journal is included in the first class.

All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



Throat Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey, we take an in depth look at our Throat Chakra or Vissudha. This Chakra is one of communication and purification. In order for us to communicate for ourselves, self-knowledge is essential. We explore the essences of this Chakra. We include into our study the fact that this Chakra includes creativity.

Your journal is included in the first class.

All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



3rd Eye Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey we take an in depth look at our 3rd Eyes Chakra or Ajna. With this Chakra, we explore the ability to see more than the physical. We look at patterns and see how we use/ignore our intuition.

Your journal is included in the first class.

All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



Crown Chakra Art Journal Class:

Through this journey, we take an in depth look at our Crown Chakra or Sahasrara. This is all about the ethereal. We get to look at our understanding of what we believe and why we believe it. Thus understanding ourselves and enabling us to understand others better too.

Your journal is included in the first class. All Classes include a full set of notes and all inks, stamps etc ... required to create your journals. 


Investment: R600.00

Duration: Full day due to nature of the creative work.



I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


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