life navigation

A session of Life Navigation takes you down many different paths. During the sessions we intuitively work on the areas of your soul that are not in alignment with your life goals and purpose. We spend time learning what your triggers are, what your triggers are telling you and then we work backwards to the woundings/learnings/growings that have created these triggers. For some the focus needs to be on boundaries.

Whether it be the lack of boundaries, excessive boundaries or even boundaries that maybe need to be more flexible. We look at why these boundaries have been put in place, we look if some of the boundary categories maybe need to change.


The areas covered in the sessions will vary from soul to soul, the requirements will be different and therefore the healings will need to be too.


Life Navigation provides insight into what our souls require and we work towards mending our souls, with bespoke exercises and practices that work to your individual needs!


Investment:  (Includes a set of notes) 

R1100.00 - SA 

$100.00 - USA

£85.00 - UK

€90.00 - Europe


Duration: 1.5 hours


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


To book your session or to find out more about the sessions, please complete the form below:

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