year ahead readings

The Year Ahead readings are designed to assist you in working WITH the energies of the year you are in! I am a firm believer that if we know the energies that are surrounding us at any given point, we are better equipped to then use the energies to assist us with whatever we need to face in that particular energetic space and time. 


In this reading the following will occur: 


  1. We take a look at the numerological energy of your personal year so that you understand the undercurrent of energy you are working with. 
  2. We will draw a Tarot or Oracle card for every month of the 12 month period you are working with to get the energy of the month so that you are able to harness that energy and work with it in order to make educated decisions and therefore, take actions that are for your highest good and will serve you best. 
  3. We answer any questions you may have regarding the 12 month period ahead.  



R1100.00 - SA

$100.00 - USA

£90.00 - UK

€95.00 - Europe


Duration: 1 - 1.5  hours  


I so look forward to connecting with you!

In light and love always,

Mara xxx


To book your session or to find out more about the sessions, please complete the form below:

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